Warhammer 40K Battle Report
Cities of Death
In this game, Simon's Imperial Guard were defending the ruins of an Imperial City from an attacking and advancing Ork force. We used the Cityfight rules (as Cities of Death hadn't been released at this time).
Orks advancing through a ruined building.
Ork Stormboyz about to use their jumpacks.
Imperial Guard prepare to open fire from the ruins of an Administratum.
Imperial Guard squad start to advance.
Tarantula tracking...
Ork Shoota Boyz advance through the ruins...
Ork Warboss in Mega-Armour leads his Orks (from the back).
Ork Nobz in mega-armour...
...leading his boys from the back of the squad.
This Imperial Guard Leman Russ hides in the ruins firing at anything which moves.