Imperial Guard - HQ
Imperial Guard Command
From Simon's collection and photographs taken at various shows.
Imperial Guard Command Squad from Simon's collection.
Imperial Guard Command Squad from Simon's collection.
Praetorian Army Imperial Guard Command Squad
Command Squad which is part of Owen Rees' Imperial Guard - The 374th Tahnelian Airborne, in the White Dwarf display cabinets at GamesDay 2006.
Death Korps of Krieg Command Squad
Vostroyans Imperial Guard in the ruins. This was a UK 2006 Golden Demon award entry. Never liked the Vostroyans Imperial Guard as models myself, but these were nicely painted.
Vostroyans Imperial Guard in the ruins. This was a UK 2006 Golden Demon award entry. Never liked the Vostroyans Imperial Guard as models myself, but these were nicely painted.
Imperial Guard Command Squad from Simon's collection.