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British TOG2

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The Tank, Heavy, TOG 2 was a prototype British super-heavy tank design produced in the early part of the Second World War in case the battlefields of northern France turned into a morass of mud, trenches and craters as had happened during the First World War.

In the end it never went into production, but as part of the Flames of War Mid-War Monsters range you can buy it and use it in alternate history games. I liked the concept and the model on the Flames of War website is quite inspiring.

British TOG2

I do hope that we see future “monsters” for Flames of War, there are some nice concepts and ideas out there for both Early-War and Late-War, though I have a hunch that these did not sell as well as expected.

The Flames of War boxed set contains three of these monsters.

British TOG2

The hulls are quite plain in comparison to other tanks in the FoW range.

British TOG2

British TOG2

The tracks are two metal castings for each side.

British TOG2

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